Atlas Rock Bit's Custom Hole Openers are designed to handle big-hole driller projects, offshore well conductor holes, and other drilling needs where speed and reliability are important.
- Quick-change hole opener cutter assembles to allow fast, easy changes on the rig floor using hand tools. Simply pull the “Nail-Lock” retaining pin, loosen the eccentric lock, remove the main pin, and remove cutter from its saddle. Reverse these procedures for cutter installation.
- High-velocity jet circulation for efficient hole cleaning and longer cutter life.
- "Nail-Lock" retained nozzles can be changed quickly and easily for matching particular pump capacities or hydraulics programs.
Cutter Availability
- SG tooth type for soft formations.
- MG tooth type for medium to hard formations.
- S8 insert type for soft to medium formations.
- M8 insert type for hard formations.
- H8 insert type for extremely hard, abrasive formations.
Size Availability
Atlas Rock Bit can furnish Custom Hole Openers for standard hole sizes from 26” through 42”. Larger or non-standard hole sizes can be manufactured on request.
Ordering Information
- Please specify hole size to be drilled, connection (size, type, and location of pin box), nozzle sizes, and length of fishing neck.
- When ordering cutters please specify type. All have sealed bearings.